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Book D.C. & Co. for your club, festival, private party, or community event click here to inquire.

March 15th Fri. D.C. & Co. 5:00 - 8:00 Marion Court Room 7 Marion Court, Lancaster, PA 17602 (717) 399-1970

May 25th Sat. 6pm -10pm Shoppes At Belmont, Concert Series Lancaster, PA 17063

Aug 16th. Fri. D.C. & Co. 5:00 - 8:00 Marion Court Room 7 Marion Court, Lancaster, PA 17602 (717) 399-1970

Thanks Givin' Back  2023 with Special guests  The Bobby Gentilo Band  at The Lancaster Elks. 219 N. Duke St. 17603  Nov. 22nd 7:00 pm - 11:30pm


Tickets $15 in advance - $20 at door and are available at

 Valentino’s Café 128 Rider Ave. Lancaster 17603 

Lancaster Elks Lodge 219 N. Duke St.

All proceeds to benefit DC's "My People On The Street Project"

July 21st. Fri. D.C. & Co. 5:00 - 8:00 Marion Court Room 7 Marion Court, Lancaster, PA 17602 (717) 399-1970

July 22nd Fri. Fri. D.C. & Co. 5:00 - 8:00 Marion Court Room 7 Marion Court, Lancaster, PA 17602 (717) 399-1970

Thanks Givin' Back  2022 with Special guests The Maxwell Project  at The Lancaster Elks. 219 N. Duke St. 17603
Click here for more info!Nov. 23rd  7:00 -1130 Weds.  D.C . & Co. Present...


Tickets $15 in advance - $20 at door and are available at

 Valentino’s Café 128 Rider Ave. Lancaster 17603 

Brendee’s Café 449 W. Lemon St. Lanc 17603

Lancaster Elks Lodge 219 N. Duke St.

All proceeds to benefit DC's "My People On The Street Project"


Sept. 26th Sun.  Doors open at 2:00 Music starts at 3:00 - 7:00 "A One Love World Event" Hosted by D.C. & Co. with Special guests Carlos Elliot & Friends at Marion Court Room 7 Marion Court, Lancaster, PA 17602 (717) 399-1970

Tickets $10 in advance -$15 at door and are available at

Eventbrite.com click it for a ticket!

 Valentino’s Café 128 Rider Ave. Lancaster 17603 

Brendee’s Café 449 W. Lemon St. Lanc 17603

   Please come and share your Love and Beautiful Energy For A Day To Be Remembered!

We are inviting all individuals and organizations to share in creating a worldwide healing energy on this day.

  “Whether you can join us at the event or not and whatever part of the world you may live, we invite you to join us in sharing intentional love & kindness to all, at whatever level you are capable of, on this day. If you mess up, just start all over it’s not always easy; this is a very powerful tool that we’ve all been given and when we join forces in this positive energy we can create a much healthier world!” Thanks and so much love! – DC


July 2nd Fri. Fri. D.C. & Co. 5:00 - 8:00 Marion Court Room 7 Marion Court, Lancaster, PA 17602 (717) 399-1970


Nov. 27th  Weds.  D.C . & Co. Present... ThanksGivin' Back  2019,

Benefit for Finefrock & Stumpf Golden Gloves Youth Center. Featuring
D.C. & Co. and Pocketful 'O Soul  8 -12 at the Lancaster Elks Lodge 219 N. Duke St. Lancaster, PA 17602.   Cash Bar - Food Available  -  50/50 drawings.  

Tickets $10 in advance -$15 at door and are available at

 Valentino’s Café 128 Rider Ave. Lancaster 17603 

Brendee’s Café 449 W. Lemon St. Lanc 17603

Lancaster Elks Lodge 219 N. Duke St.

Aug. 25th Sun.  Doors open at 2:00 Music starts at 3:00 - 7:00 "A One Love World Event" Hosted by D.C. & Co. with Special guests Carlos Elliot & The Cornlickers at Marion Court Room 7 Marion Court, Lancaster, PA 17602 (717) 399-1970 tix. $10 adv. $15 at gate.  Brown paper tickets.com   Please come and share your Love and Beautiful Energy For A Day To Be Remembered!
Click poster for details!

and will also be available at

Valentino’s Café 128 Rider Ave. Lancaster 17603 

Brendee’s Café 449 W. Lemon St. Lanc 17603

Oct 4th  Fri. D.C. & Co. 5:00 - 8:00 Marion Court Room 7 Marion Court, Lancaster, PA 17602 (717) 399-1970


July 6th,  Fri. D.C. & Co. 5:00 - 8:00 Marion Court Room 7 Marion Court, Lancaster, PA 17602 (717) 399-1970

Sept. 23rd Sun. D.C. & Co. 2:00 - 6:00 Marion Court Room 7 Marion Court, Lancaster, PA 17602 (717) 399-1970  Stay tuned for details!
Nov. 21st Weds. D.C. & Co. with The SouthSide Band.  ThanksGivin' Back 8 -12 at the Lancaster Elks Lodge 219 N. Duke St. Lancaster, PA 17602.
Benefit for Finefrock & Stumpf Golden Gloves Youth Center.    Cash Bar - Food Available  -  50/50 drawings.  Doors open at 7:30 Click here for more info.

Tickets $10 in advance -$15 at door and are available at Valentino’s Café 128 Rider Ave. Lancaster 17603 

Brendee’s Café 449 W. Lemon St. Lanc 17603

Lancaster Elks Lodge 219 N. Duke St. 17602

Captain Gus's Steak Shop 600 W. Orange St. 17603

May 12th Fri. D.C. & Co. 5:00 - 8:00 Marion Court Room 7 Marion Court, Lancaster, PA 17602 (717) 399-1970

Sept. 22nd Fri. D.C. & Co. 5:00 - 8:00 Marion Court Room 7 Marion Court, Lancaster, PA 17602 (717) 399-1970

Nov. 22nd  Weds.  D.C . & Co. Present... ThanksGivin' Back  2017,

Benefit for Finefrock & Stumpf Golden Gloves Youth Center. Featuring
D.C. & Co. and Vinegar Creek Constituency  8 -12 at the Lancaster Elks Lodge 219 N. Duke St. Lancaster, PA 17602.   Cash Bar - Food Available  -  50/50 drawings.   Click here for more info.

Tickets $10 in advance -$15 at door and are available at Valentino’s Café 128 Rider Ave. Lancaster 17603 

Brendee’s Café 449 W. Lemon St. Lanc 17603

Lancaster Elks Lodge 219 N. Duke St.

July 31st Sunday FoodStock  Music Fest at the Lancaster Liederkranz  Click here for details
Steel Radiance opens the show from 1:00 until approximately 1:30
DC &Company-1:45-2:30
Tony Torres & Real Gone-2:45-3:00
Rooster Stone-3:15-4:00
Overload Junction-4:15-5:00
Back In Motion-5:15-6:00

Maxwell Project-6:15-7:00
Sept, 2nd Fri, Marion Court Room 5:00 -8:00

Nov. 25th  Weds.  D.C . & Co. Present... ThanksGivin' Back  2016,
Benefit for Finefrock & Stumpf Golden Gloves Center. Featuring
  D.C. & Co. and The Confessionals -  8 -12 at the Lancaster Elks Lodge 219 N. Duke St. Lancaster, PA 17602.   Cash Bar - Food Available  -  50/50 drawings.

Tickets $10 in advance -$15 at door and are available at Valentino’s Café 128 Rider Ave. Lancaster 17603 

Brendee’s Café 449 W. Lemon St. Lanc 17603

Lancaster Elks Lodge 219 N. Duke St.

Feb 6th - 6:00  Lancaster Roots and Blues Fest  at The Chameleon Club

Join us at,

Lancaster Roots and Blues Feb 6 & 7 2015

Over 70 bands - 8 Venues -10 Stages- Right in beautiful Downtown Lancaster.

Click here for line up & schedule

Click here for ticket info

Click here for general info, venue maps & more!

Tickets also available at Stan's Record Bar


April 25th - Sat. D.C. & Co. 1:00 - 4:00 at Brucekie's Pub 401 S 2nd St, Columbia, PA 17512
(717) 684-3555 These afternoon gigs here are sooo much fun! come check it out. Nice people, great food and a really cool bar!

July 17th Fri. Tony Torres & D.C. (Duo gig.) 7:00 -? Create Arts Initiative. 39 S. 8th St. Lebanon, Pa  17042  717-269-3301

Aug. 30th Sun. Tony Torres & Real Gone  and   D.C. & Co. 2:00 - 6:00 Marion Court Room 7 Marion Court, Lancaster, PA 17602 (717) 399-1970  tix. $10 in adv. $15 at door and will be available at Marion Court and Valentino's Cafe. stay tune for details


Sept. 18th Fri. D.C. & Co. 5:00 - 8:00 Marion Court Room 7 Marion Court, Lancaster, PA 17602 (717) 399-1970

Oct. 10th Sat. Bedford's Fall Foliage Festival Tony Torres Trio 12- 2:00 D.C. & Co. 3:00 -5:00 Want to come along? We will probably charter a bus if there's enough interest. Leaving Lancaster at 8:00 am and returning around 8:00 pm. Let us know if you're interested in coming along click here!

Nov. 25th  Weds.  D.C . & Co. Present... ThanksGivin' Back Benefit for Finefrock & Stumpf Golden Gloves Center. Featuring  Tony Torres Trio, D.C. & Co. and The Confessionals -  8 -12 at the Lancaster Elks Lodge 219 N. Duke St. Lancaster, PA 17602.   Cash Bar - Food Available  -  50/50 drawings.

Tickets $10 in advance -$15 at door and are available at Valentino’s Café 128 Rider Ave. Lancaster 17603 

Brendee’s Café 449 W. Lemon St. Lanc 17603

Lancaster Elks Lodge 219 N. Duke St.


Fri. May 23rd. 5:00 -8:00 at Marion Court Room rain or shine 7 Marion Court, Lancaster,PA 17602
Sun. July 27th. 2:00 - 6:00 Original Bill's Steak Strips, presents
Clarence Spady D.C. & Co. With special guest Clarence Spady!  at Marion Court Room rain or shine 7 Marion Court, Lancaster,PA 17602. Tix's $10 adv. $15 @ gate and are available at Marion Court, Valentino's Cafe 128 Rider Ave. or on line  @ Brown Paper Tickets.com click here! A day of fun, flavor and friends! My dear friends at Original Bill's will be giving away free samples of their brand new Steak Strips, It is so good! (say good-bye to jerky) We'll be doing our rip roaring , horn/powered rockin' blues! And Brother Clarence will be coming down from Scranton, to add his sweet -Funky Soul to the menu - Add you guys to the mix and it's nothin' but Love! Check out Marion Court Room's Sunday Concert series by clicking here. Besides featuring tis concert, their bringing all these great band in from New Orleans all summer long!

10/4  Symposium Sat. 9:00
125 South Centerville Road, Lancaster
(717) 391-7656 Great food great time get there early if you want a table!

Nov. 26 Weds. 7:00 - 12:00 Elks Lodge 219 N. Duke St. Lancaster, PA. FoodStock presents ThankGivin' Back Featuring D.C. & Co with  special guests . Special guests BlueJay. Tickets, only $10 adv. $15 at the door and are available online at www.foodstockpa.org   and at Valentino's Cafe 128 Rider Ave. Lancaster, Dosie Dough 45 S. Broad St. Lititz. Cash Bar/ Food Available.

11/28  Symposium Fri. 9:00
125 South Centerville Road, Lancaster
(717) 391-7656 Great food great time get there early if you want a table! This the last weekend before Symposium closes. It will be a sports bar eventually. But this should be one heck of a party!!

Sun. June 9th 3:00 - 6:00 at Marion Court Room rain or shine 7 Marion Court, Lancaster,PA 17602
Fri. Aug 9th 5:00 - 8:00 at Marion Court Room rain or shine 7 Marion Court, Lancaster,PA 17602
Sun. Sept 1st 3:00- 8:00 ApplePalooza at Lancaster Liederkranz  pavillion,With the great bluegrass band Vinegar Creek Constituency! Vinegar CreekTickets are $20 for adults $10 for kids and must be purchased in advance. Tickets can be purchased on line or at Valentino's Cafe (128 Rider Ave. Lancaster). All proceeds will go to John Apple's Swim Fund please click here  to purchase tickets and get more info.
Nov. 27th Weds. 7:00 - 12:00 Elks Lodge 219 N. Duke St. Lancaster, PA. FoodStock presents ThankGivin' Back Featuring D.C. & Co with  special guests The Sonic Tonic. Tickets, only $10 adv. $15 at the door and are available online at www.foodstockpa.org  and at Valentino's Cafe 128 Rider Ave. Lancaster, The Alley Kat 30 W. Lemon St. Universal Athletic Club 2323 Oregon Pike. Cash Bar/ Food Available Turkey Balls are back too!



Full Band
May 25th Fri. 5:00 - 9:00 Marion Courtroom's courtyard! Lancaster, Pa
ThanksGivin'Back is.....Back!

Nov. 21st Weds. 8:00 - 1:00 Elks Lodge 219 N. Duke St. Lancaster, PA. FoodStock presents ThankGivin' Back Featuring D.C. & Co with  special guests Dreamweaver & E-man. Tickets, only $10 adv. $15 at the door and are available online at www.foodstockpa.org  and at Valentino's Cafe 128 Rider Ave. Lancaster. Cash Bar/ Food Available.

Aug.19th Fri. 5:00 - 9:00 Marion Courtroom's courtyard! Lancaster, Pa
Summer 2010
July 4th Sun..  4:00 -6:00Moon Dancer Winery Blues Festival.  Wrightsville, PA. Great Winery and great Blues Sat. And Sun. 2:00pm -10pm. click here for schedule!

Aug. 1st Sun. 2:00 - 6:00    With New Orleans Big Sam's Funky Nation   They Kick It!!!

Summer 2009
July 3rd Fri. 5:00 - 9:00 Marion Courtroom's courtyard! Lancaster, Pa With Fire works afterwords!
July 4th Sat.  4:00 -6:00Moon Dancer Winery Blues Festival.  Wrightsville, PA. Great Winery and great Blues Sat. And Sun. 2:00pm -10pm. click here for schedule!
Sept. 12 Sat. Noon - 4:00 Community Day @ Binn's Park. Down Town Lancaster, PA.
Nov. 25th Weds. 9pm - 1am Thanksgiving Eve.  Thanks Givin' Back ! Benefit for Hospice of  Lancaster County at Elks Lodge 219 N. Duke St. Tickets Are  $10 in adv. $15 at the door and are available at Valentino's Cafe, The Alley Kat, and Brendee's Cafe. cash bar and food available. 50/50 drawings. ....We are very excited to welcome (Severn Records Recording artist) Clarence Spady as our special guest for the Final Blow-Out Blash!
Below is a slide show of ThanksGivinBack 2008 Courtesy Of Davey "The Dude" Breitagen"
Summer 2008
June 7th Sat. 10:00 pm Village Night Club Lancaster.
Aug.2nd Moon Dance Winery
7:00 pm- 10:00 Beautiful winery overlooking the Susquahanna River in Wrightsville, PA. Great wine, bring a picnic bastket or a bucket of chicken! ( I like the thighs!) click here for details!

Sept. 13  Sat. 9 am -3pm Commuity Day Lancaster HACC Campus
1641 Old Philadelphia Pike, Lancaster, PA  We go on at noon! It's community day and all the police, firemen and first responders will be there to meet and greet and show off their cool equipment. They'll be a ton of fun stuff for the kids to do, and lots of other live entertainment even chicken bbq too.

Sept.26 Sat. 7-10:00 pm                                                                                                                                                  Bike Night, Downtown York PA Sponsored by the City of York & Harley Davidson, with over 2000 motorcycles to check out and 3 live bands, this even is guaranteed to get your motor running!
Oct. 4th Sat. 4:00 - 8:00pm                                                                                                                                    Marion Court's Deck closing pig Roast Party!!!
Nov. 8th Sat. 8:00- 12:00 Lancaster AM VETS Hershey Ave. Sign in under band. Members must purchase drinks for you. Buth there's always someone at the bar that will be glad to, with your money of course!
Nov.26 Weds. 9:00- 1;00 Elks Club. 219 N. Duke Street. 6th Annual "Thanks Givin' Back!" Benefit party for Hospice of Lancaster County with special guests POCKETFUL O' SOUL!  Tickets are $10 in adv. $15 at door, and are available at Valentino's Cafe & the  Alley Kat. voted "Best party of the year! "See you there!

Gone Fishing!!!

We didn't want to leave you high and dry with out a live D.C. & Co. fix! That's why we released our Live CD "Alive" . I know it's not the same but it's pretty darn close! It's a party on a disc, our style! You can pick it up at CD baby by clicking here. And you can learn more about it by clicking here. You can also check out some of our videos from the "Alive" recording by clicking on the links below.

D.C. & Co. "Love The One You're With" 

D.C. & Co. N.Y.C. King Size Rosewood Bed

If that's not enough, than book us! Click here to email for booking consideration or call 717.293.0851

In the mean time I'm Goin' Fishing! See you soon,



The Schedule

2007 Dates

1/27  Symposium Sat. 9:00
125 South Centerville Road, Lancaster
(717) 391-7656 Great food great time get there early if you want a table!

2/10 Valentines Benefit  for the Milagro House  (Not a couples thing - for everybody that loves!) at the Lancaster Elks Club 219 N. Duke St. Tickets available at the Alley Kat & Valentino's. click here for details!

4/14  Symposium Sat. 9:00
125 South Centerville Road, Lancaster

(717) 391-7656 Great food great time get there early if you want a table!

4/28 Conestoga Country Club Lancaster Ski Club Party

June 2nd Sat. 3 -8 pm  Lancaster's Summertime Blues Bash Marion Courtroom click here for details (Don't Miss it!)

6/23 Cross Gates Millersville private party

6/29  Symposium Sat. 9:00
125 South Centerville Road, Lancaster
(717) 391-7656 Great food great time get there early if you want a table!

July 14th Sat. Work Outs, Pool Party at Golden Meadows, open to public 7pm -10pm BYOB, concert series every Sat. evening all summer! Click here for details

July 28th Sat. 7:00 - 9:00 Huffnagle Park Concert Series click here for details.

8/25  Symposium Sat. 9:00
125 South Centerville Road, Lancaster
(717) 391-7656 Great food great time get there early if you want a table!

9/1 Sat. 6:30 -? Nissleys Vineyard  Bainbridge PA,

9/15 Sat. Lancaster's Community Fest, Binns Park Lancaster Square- 10:00 am - 2:00pm With Las Fantastico  We hit at 12 noon.

11/10 Sat. Linda's Goat Barn - Private Party

11/15 Thurs. 8:10 am Smooth Jazz 92.7  Live interview with Paul Scott on Smooth Jazz 92.7 !  Get a sneak preview of our live CD to be released on New Years Eve. and we'll be talking about the Thanksgivin' Back Benefit for Hospice !  Click the links to stream the show any where in the world!

11/21 Weds. 9-1  Elks Lodge, 219 N. Duke Street. 6th Annual "Thanks Givin' Back!" Benefit party for Hospice of Lancaster County with special guests Bob Noble &  Blue Voodoo!  Tickets are $10 in adv. $15 at door, and are available at Valentino's Cafe & the  Alley Kat. voted "Best party of the year! "See you there!

Dec. 31 New Years Eve CD release party presented by  Smooth Jazz 92.7! 9-1 at the Elks 219 N. Duke Street, Lancaster. D.C. & Co. with special guests! D.C. & Co. will be releasing there brand new CD "Alive"! Click here for party details!!!!



2006 Dates
2/25 Two Dudes Painting Mardi Gra Party Private
3/11 Sat. 9 -1   Elks Club Lancaster. 219 N. Duke St. preSpring Fling! We're throwing a party  -because we like to ! With special guests The Silver Hawks These guys are so much fun. A great party band. and they even have more members than us. We've talked about doing a gig together for years and we're finally doing it. Tickets are $10 in advance $12 at the door.  and will be available at Valentino's Cafe 128 Rider Ave.  email me for more info by clicking here.

3/24 Fri. 9:00 - 1:00 Rookies Sports Bar    At the Days Inn Keller Ave. Lancaster 717 291 9900  They just took down some walls, and turned this into a great venue you're going to love it! Big stage dance floor, good food! ( Takes us back to  where we started when Big Mama's was there.)

4/22 Symposium Sat. 9:00
125 South Centerville Road, Lancaster
(717) 391-7656 Great food great time get there early if you want a table!
5/19 Clipper Stadium 6:00 - 9:00pm   Party in the pavilion at the beautiful Clipper magazine Stadium. Barnstormers are away so come on out and play. Click the logo for more info
5/20Symposium Sat. 9:00
125 South Centerville Road, Lancaster
(717) 391-7656 Great food great time get there early if you want a table!
6/30 Symposium Fri. 9:30
125 South Centerville Road, Lancaster
(717) 391-7656 Great food great time get there early if you want a table!
7/29 Symposium Sat. 9:00
125 South Centerville Road, Lancaster
(717) 391-7656 Great food great time get there early if you want a table!
8/25 Symposium Fri. 9:30
125 South Centerville Road, Lancaster
(717) 391-7656 Great food great time get there early if you want a table!
9/30 Symposium Sat. 9:00
125 South Centerville Road, Lancaster
(717) 391-7656 Great food great time get there early if you want a table!
10/7  Lancaster's Jazz, Blues, & Food Festival @ Binn's Park Lancaster squareWe play from 7:00pm -8:15pm.   The live entertainment goes from 2:00pm -10:00pm and includes, Angelo M., Matrix, and the Reese project.
10/27 Symposium Fri. 9:30
125 South Centerville Road, Lancaster
(717) 391-7656 Great food great time get there early if you want a table!
Nov. 22 Thanks Givin' Back! 9-1
D.C. & Co. 4th annual Benefit concert at The Lancaster Elks Club 219 N. Duke Street.
w/Special Guests " $10 in advance $12 at door.
available at Valentino's Cafe & The Alley Kat

Proceeds go to  Hospice of  Lancaster County
11/25 Symposium Sat. 9:00
125 South Centerville Road, Lancaster
(717) 391-7656 Great food great time get there early if you want a table!
12/30 Symposium Sat. 9:00
125 South Centerville Road, Lancaster
(717) 391-7656 Great food great time get there early if you want a table!
12/31 New Years Eve Party Presents New Years Eve Live with D.C. & Co. Live CD & video recording at the Elks Club Lancaster. 219 N. Duke St.   Click here for details!
Go to 2005 Dates

9/18 Symposium Sat. 9:00

125 South Centerville Road, Lancaster
(717) 391-7656 Great food great time get there early if you want a table!

9/19 Lancaster's Community Day At Long' Park Ampitheater.  4-5pm
Harriburg Pike: Family event - free to public- entertainment from 1pm - 5pm

!0/2 Lancater's Jazz, Brews, & Blues Fest. we play  6 pm- 7pm
Free to public - Family event featuring live music - food- and beer
from local brewerys  enterteinment runs Sat. 12 -4 & 6-10pm
Sun. 12-5pm

10/9 Private Party

10/29 Halloween Party  9-1 Lancaster VFW
Union and Dorwart ST. Lancaster
Tickets $5 available at VFW and Valentino's Cafe

10/30 Symposium Sat. 9:00
125 South Centerville Road, Lancaster
(717) 391-7656 Great food great time get there early if you want a table!


D.C. & Co's "Big Tone Torres" Performing At Longs Park Ampitheater. That's his original playing called "Move it On Down The Line" Off our CD "Ain't That Somethin'"  Buy it Here!


Nov. 24 Givin' Back! 9-1
D.C. & Co. 3rd annual Benefit concert at The Lancaster Elks Club 219 N. Duke Street.
Special Guests " Soulful Harmony" Tickets are $10 in advance $12 at door.
available at Valentino's Cafe & The Alley Kat
Proceeds go to  Hospice of  Lancaster County

11/26 Symposium Fri. 9:30
125 South Centerville Road, Lancaster
(717) 391-7656 Great food great time get there early if you want a table!


12/11 Christmas Party Bent Creek Country Club Private

12/18 Symposium Fri. 9:00
125 South Centerville Road, Lancaster
(717) 391-7656 Great food great time get there early if you want a table!



1/14 Rookies Sports Bar Fri. 9:30 - 1:30  At the Days Inn Keller Ave. Lancaster 717 291 9900  Just opened up new room for live entertainment. Big stage dance floor, good food! ( Takes us back to  where we started when Big Mama's was there.)

1/29 Symposium Sat 9:00
125 South Centerville Road, Lancaster
(717) 391-7656 Great food great time get there early if you want a table!


2/18 Rookies Sports Bar Fri. 9:30 - 1:30  At the Days Inn Keller Ave. Lancaster 717 291 9900  Just opened up new room for live entertainment. Big stage dance floor, good food! ( Takes us back to  where we started when Big Mama's was there.)

2/25 Symposium Fri. 9:30
125 South Centerville Road, Lancaster
(717) 391-7656 Great food great time get there early if you want a table!

3/26 Symposium Sat.9:00
125 South Centerville Road, Lancaster
(717) 391-7656 Great food great time get there early if you want a table!

4/15 Villa Nova West Fri. 10:00
2833 Columbia Ave, Lancaster
(717) 295-2344 The best tenderloin tip sandwiches around!

4/30 Symposium Sat. 9:00
125 South Centerville Road, Lancaster
(717) 391-7656 Great food great time get there early if you want a table!

5/13Villa Nova West Fri. 10:00
2833 Columbia Ave, Lancaster
(717) 295-2344 The best tenderloin tip sandwiches around!

5/27 Symposium Fri. 9:30
125 South Centerville Road, Lancaster
(717) 391-7656 Great food great time get there early if you want a table!

5/29 Lancaster's Blues Courtyard Concert Series Sun. 2-6  7 Marion Court, Lancaster, PA The last Sunday of every month - all Summer!
Ann Rabson - Kenny Neal - D.C. & Co.

6/10 Villa Nova West Fri. 10:00
2833 Columbia Ave, Lancaster
(717) 295-2344 The best tenderloin tip sandwiches around!


6/16  Marion Courtroom Thurs. 8 -11  7 Marion Court, Lancaster, PA  Come have dinner on the outside deck and dance in the moonlight!

6/25 Symposium Sat. 9 ;00
125 South Centerville Road, Lancaster
(717) 391-7656 Great food great time get there early if you want a table!

6/26 Lancaster's Blues Courtyard Concert Series Sun. 2-6  7 Marion Court, Lancaster, PA The last Sunday of every month - all Summer!
Honolulu Slim & the Diamonds - Lil' Malocolm & the House Rockers - Clarence Spady

7/1 Landis Valley Farms Private Party

7/23 Twin Brook Winery Sat evening

5697 Strasburg Road  Gap, PA 17527         Phone: (717)442-4915 

7/30 Symposium Sat 9:00
125 South Centerville Road, Lancaster
(717) 391-7656 Great food great time get there early if you want a table!

7/31 Lancaster's Blues Courtyard Concert Series Sun. 2-6

 7 Marion Court, Lancaster, PA The last Sunday of every month - all Summer!
Erick Steckel Band - Sharrie Williams - The Frank DiNunzio Blues Band


8/6 Tommy Caterbone Memorial Golf Tournament


8/27 Cherry's Sat. 10:00
320 N. Cherry ST. Lancaster
(717) 293-9597 Great food, intimate setting - get there early if you want a table!


8/28 Lancaster's Blues Courtyard Concert Series Sun. 2-6 7 Marion Court, Lancaster, PA The last Sunday of every month - all Summer!
Melissa Martin & the Mighty Rhythm Kings - Commander Cody-Tom Prinipato

9/3 Riches annual Labor Day pig roast

9/24 Symposium Sat. 9:00
125 South Centerville Road, Lancaster
(717) 391-7656 Great food great time get there early if you want a table!

9/25 Lancaster's Blues Courtyard Concert Series Sun. 2-6  7 Marion Court, Lancaster, PA The last Sunday of every month - all Summer!
Billy Hector &  The Fairlanes - Bill Kirchen - D.C. & Co.


10/1 Cherry's Sat. 10:00
320 N. Cherry ST. Lancaster
(717) 293-9597 Great food, intimate setting - get there early if you want a table!


10/28 Symposium Fri. 9:30
125 South Centerville Road, Lancaster
(717) 391-7656 Great food great time get there early if you want a table!


11/5 Private Party Linda's Birthday Bash

11/23 Thanks Givin' Back Weds. 9-1:00 at the Elks Club Lancaster. 219 N. Duke St.  Lancaster's favorite party, Hosted by D.C. & Co. to raise money for "Hospice of Lancaster County" featuring the Blue Light Special blues band and yours truly D.C. & Co. tickets $10 in adv. $12 at door and are available at the Alley Kat 30 W. Lemon St.  & Valentino's Cafe' 128 Rider Ave. Cash bar - Food available. for more info call 717 293 0851


12/2 Historic Blue Star Fri. 10- 1:30
602 W. King St., Lancaster
(717)5095095 This will be our first time back in a few years - please come out and make it fun!


12/30 Symposium Fri. 9:30
125 South Centerville Road, Lancaster
(717) 391-7656 Great food great time get there early if you want a table!

"Move It On Down The Line" is an original by Big Tone Torres and is on our Ain't That Somethin' CD click here to purchase it now!

We want you to be happy! When you buy any of our CDs from CD Baby, you can send them back to me for a full refund within 60 days of purchase. No questions asked. Just send CD in packaging with sales receipt to D.C. & Co. 924 First St. Lancaster, PA 17603 and we'll send your refund promptly!


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