Please join us for another love fest as we raise money for Finefrock
- Stumpf Golden Gloves Youth Center and the great work they do for
the kids of Lancaster. They are on a shoe string budget and this is
very important to their continued operations, so please don't hold
Donate directly by
clicking here!
Our friends, Pocketful O' Soul ain't nothin' but a party, so much
talent and so much fun, (Dance, Dance, Dance) will be kicking
it off at 8:00 doors open at 7:00. Grab an UBER, and enjoy the
night. Can't wait to see you. - So much love! - DC
Tickets $10 in advance -$15 at door and are available at
Café 128 Rider Ave. Lancaster 17603
Brendee’s Café 449 W. Lemon St. Lanc 17603
Lancaster Elks Lodge 219 N. Duke St.