
It’s time to show you all the math of the program of “My People Clean Up” to date.  You guys are amazing and instead of giving more please share it with others that would like to see something productive come towards my homeless friends and also come from them to better our community. https://oneunitedlancaster.com/community/advocate-engages-homeless-individuals-in-cleaning-local-parks/?fbclid=IwAR1tkleCJKSLVEIdMd93UD-KS8kryYPOw1f6VRePc5mBwt36DUyvtln9Ve8.  It’s a win/win I promise.

Here is the donation link to donate, if that’s an easier share. https://www.paypal.com/donate/...

Project started at Binn’s Park on 4/16/23 at 4/26/23 we incorporated Linear Park and Culliton Park. 5/18 started Reservoir Park.  At 6/11/23 after our first young lady cleaner called and went into rehab, Justin took over until he started a job at a machine shop.

At That point, there was a Youth group coming in to clean Reservoir Park So we put someone to clean Water Street from the park up to King St. And it has never looked so good!

So as of today 6/30/2023 Thru https://www.paypal.com/donate/...  you’ve supplied $3650.40. Private donations handed to me, dropped off or mailed to me. $1,291.00 which is an amazing total of $4,941.40. 

Total paid out is $4,880.00 in $20 donations per day. There was $160.00 that has gone out to buy the cleaning tools, and $200.00 with permission from the donors; went to buy sleeping bags.

You are amazing! We are week to week at this point. If you love what we are doing please tell a friend. If you’ve already donated, thanks you! You’ve done your part, but please share it so this can be a whole community effort.

Thank you for trusting me

So much love -DC

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