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 Hey, it’s so good to see you! Say it verbally, say it with your eyes, and mean it with your soul. It is the best tool for reaching anyone. Twenty-five degrees out, most, hunkered down and asleep in their sleeping bag; when I announce “coming at you with food” to not startle them or invade their space, 80% of them, (drug addicts, mentally ill, or just people in a strange spot going through things they’ve never imagined they’d go through,) fight through their sleep and open their eyes, just to hear me say “So good to see you; do you need anything?”. Almost always the response is just a sleepy genuine smile, that says “thank you for being glad to see me” and a verbal “I’m ok thanks”.

    That’s where everything has to start and that’s the way it has to stay. We can’t manage something that is not ours; we can’t help someone get back on their feet, without knowing them and including them in their process. They are my brothers and sisters and they are your brothers and sisters and they need a welcoming community to belong to.

   Presently the only meet and greet community on the streets to welcome new residents and say “come with us, I got you” are the drug dealers and they are very proficient at it and there is much to be learned from their successful approach.

   We need to have beautifully, humane outreach workers on the streets constantly, earning trust from the homeless community, offering direction, a place where the community is as welcoming but more productive, safer and more enjoyable than what the drug community is offering. And we need to get there first.

This community base should be a large welcoming area that exudes “We’re so glad to see you!” and gently welcomes all who come in, and lets them get comfortable and share themselves and their needs with people that have the time and ability to listen and are genuinely interested in walking with them, until they are steady on their own feet.

   This space should be a one stop shop, where they can receive as needed, or directed and easily referred to physical and mental health care, drug counseling or treatment, legal aide, housing and financial counseling, work training and counseling etc.…

   This space should offer a safe place to sleep both inside and outside, devoid of drug dealers, with a place to secure belongings and retrieve them as needed, showers and laundry for all without having to share any personal info. Away to integrate residents and graduates as they are able and capable of, to help with the daily operations of running the community facility and to mentor others.

   This place should be overly staffed with well-paid and qualified, passionate social workers, mentors and counselors that are supposed to enjoy their day. Have time to stop and talk. And have the energy to celebrate all of the small and big successes and to help people back up when they slip.

   Religious services should be available, but optional. Yoga and meditation should be taught and practiced, as well as self-empowerment classes. All of the staff (from maintenance, kitchen, and security etc.) should be treated well and paid fairly and should be trained or able to converse happily and freely with the clients and residents and be a natural part of the healing and empowerment process.

    Government should have as little influence on this community as possible, as our community end game is to empower and not control.

   There should be a check and balance system, to ensure that no one is steeling, that there are no egos to work around, all staff is happily and productively applying their craft and achieving their goals. And through experiences and evaluations we create the most efficient and humane ways to empower our clients to be strong, kind, independent, happy humans!

One World Love 

A One Love World