My People On The Streets Project


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Please click here  for information about how we can do better to deal with homelessness

Dial 211 for Essential Community Services                                            

Clothing donations accepted Nov. - March - Food donations Dec. - March - socks anytime!        


LNP article about this project 12 -20 -2023 click here to read it.

F A Q      

     6/15/20  After serving my people on the street for four years,  I realized that if we are going to do anything more than perpetuate their homelessness we'll need to look at things differently and come up with better strategies.  "A Fresh Approach" is a booklet that I wrote to get this thought process started. If you are involved with serving our homeless on any level, please download a printable free copy by clicking  here.   Feel free to share it and your feedback is more than welcome. contact me.  Thanks and much love - DC                                                                  

Hand Up Partners

Hand Up Partners Collects donations and passes them out to members of the homeless community as a daily stipend to clean up city parks, community areas and whole city neighborhoods. Please click here to learn more.  and click here to donate,

    My People On The Streets Project                         Donate here

   From sometime in Dec. thru sometime in April when the shelters open up and everyone that is going to be inside is already inside (after 9:30 pm) is when I go out. Equipped with food, clothing, blankets, toiletries, respect, dignity and hugs. This project, sort of found me seven years ago and won't let go. This winter of 2022 -23, with Lancaster supplying no additional shelters the numbers of homeless in center city, grew to an average of 50 folks a night; (compared to 20 -35) through the help & generosity of so many, we able to share over 1,800 bags of food, pairs of socks, hundreds of blankets, coats, gloves, hand warmers, and general clothing.  over 50 sleeping bags and 35 back packs.  and  continuing  to supply what ever else is needed when it's needed.

   So many of you ask what you can donate to help, so I thought I'd put a list to make it easy. Everything is for adults (Thanks God) If there are children out there we call people who get them to safety right away. Click Here for a printable PDF list of needed donations

Clothing - everything needs to be clean and of a quality that you would wear in public, larger sizes are needed the most (They layer up) and there are more male than female. Functional and not dressy.

Heavy coats. sweat shirts, hoodies, long johns, leg' ins , socks and more socks (mostly male adult crews or better) gloves, hats scarves, sweat pants, snow pants.

Food - easy chew is important, also there is no kitchen or cupboards, so ready to eat foods only.

fruit- mostly bananas, Clementines, oranges.

 Many individual size packaged  chips, peanut butter crackers, cookies, candy, snacks etc...

bottled water (a lot)

I make our sandwiches  and they are made with quality meats, ham, turkey, roast beef, .  American cheese. I purchase these at Glenwood Foods (High quality lunch meats at a fraction of the cost anywhere else)   Sweet bologna,  peanut butter and marshmellow(please no straight bologna)  bread and snacks I get at Costco.

Things that go along with every bag of food - hand warmers - wet naps - napkins - socks- schedule with locations of free meals in the city - sealable sandwich bags -(once a week) good quality disposable razors.

Sleeping bags and back packs. something is better than nothing, but realize that quality is very important. The sleeping bags get used every night and in temperatures below freezing most of the winter. Backpacks contain everything that they own and are carried everywhere. Comforters, blankets are enjoyed gratefully, also. These are quality items that we continuously need from Amazon  The back packs are sturdy and large enough for the sleeping bags. And these are the best sleeping bags for the buck; My peeps love them when it's freezing!


Q. I work hard for my money, why should I help those people?    A. If it's not your thing, don't worry about it, it's mine. Put your efforts into the places that you feel called upon to help. That's where the world needs you and thanks!

Q. When do you start taking donations.   A. I keep everything in my house and don't have much room.  so Nov. for clothing thru March.  I usually get a ton of inventory at the beginning and am shopping for clothes by the end of the season.  Socks any time I can stock pile them. Food from Dec till the end.

Q. Why do you wait for the shelters to open, before you start.   A. There are way too many people to feed and clothe, it's beyond my capabilities. When they open, people can get off the street, and I take care of the ones that are truly staying on the streets for what ever reason. (Usually between 15 & 25 a night)

Q. Why would people stay out on the streets if they have an option to go in to the mission.   A. There are as many reasons as there are people. Yes, drugs and alcohol play apart, but not for the majority, mental illness seems to be the primary reason, some are just going through a bad time and some have been there since I started and stay out even in below 0 degree temperatures. But basically if you can't make it on the inside with your friends and your family, you'll probably not be able to stay housed with 120 other people that can't either. Trying not to judge and just help where it's needed and wanted has been a tough lesson for me to learn.

Q. I want to go out and help them what should I know.   A. First of all realize where ever they are respect their space. If they are gathered together, treat it as though you're entering their living room, if they are alone or sleeping, you are entering their bedroom, announce that you have food or what ever and ask permission to bring it, and if no answer lay it beside them quickly and move on.  Trust is not easily earned, some people will take everything they can get and some people won't take anything for a while. Remember the 211 number will put you in touch with community service hot line for most emergency needs and 911 for the rest. Also realize that this is their path in life, you are just trying to keep them strong enough to get through it, there are very few solutions to be had at this level.

Q. Can I just give you Cash?    A. We'd rather that you didn't unless you know me, love me and trust me completely like some do. This is not an organization or a tax write off situation, and no audits. I spend thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours on this. We work under the radar and don't have time or energy for accounting or explaining. We just find away to keep on going and so far so good.  Buy socks please! I promise to give them out. But if you really want to.. Donate here

a One Love World
A One Love World